On | Anything is possible

“Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together.”

-Vincent Van Gogh

Anything is possible.

Really, truly.

But here’s the big catch: any big thing is only possible because of a tiny, fleeting thing. That is, that for just a moment, I believe maybe I could; that maybe I have what it takes. 

We each have that little spark inside us from time to time. 

And once the tiny seed of belief is planted - truly, without doubts or reservations, I find there is often nothing else left to do, except to take a small aligned action and let inertia do its thing: commit to a plan of small things, and do those things day in and day out. And if I do that, suddenly, without notice, I become the person capable of showing up and achieving the “anything;” the anything that became possible because of a tiny, fleeting thing.

We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.
— Mother Teresa

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Written by Courtney Sawyer

Art by Becca Williams


On | Trust and Surrender


A reframe on love for Valentine’s Day